I am actively using this wiki to integrate my digital life together (see digital man)

I have a lot of disparate data sources and present the pain The Brain speaks of. I've chosen this to be my index until I sort out my life strategy and evaluate other technologies more closely. I'm clear this wiki is here to stay, simple to use, and encourages others to create their own wikis! :)


  1. Inventory - Move - this likely to have been superceded by Stacks below
  2. Home Office worksheet
  3. Assets - TH - stuff! (see Story of Stuff)
  4. Toolbox - cross-reference, from a "tool" perspective (opposed to a "data" perspective below)
  5. Stacks - cross-reference, from my move from the suburbs to downtown
  6. Missing - um - couldn't help declare what I miss while packing!
  7. Project Cabinet
    • Primary Cloud - main files (started with desk)
    • Digital Graveyard - T20, ...
  8. Project Binder - online index (more a snapshot)
  9. Media - books, movies, music - the usual :P
  10. Rolodex - physical cards make a difference at the end of the day - be nice if address cards online had a reference to a scan of the card - not even sure how much a difference this makes when we all love flippin! :P
    • need to assess what % of contacts are in my address book and what % actually communicate online
    • see also http://www.plaxo.com


Data Sources

my intent is to exhaust this list - where all the "bits" of information lie! think of this as different aspects of my virtual office!
  1. wikis
    • this wiki
    • Asia Commons
    • MediaWiki instance on my mac mini
  2. blogs
    • Blogger
    • LiveJournal
      • personal
      • community
  3. email
  4. docs
    • files
      • ~/Documents
      • USB
      • .dmg
      • DVD-R
      • floppy
    • Google Docs
    • Zoho
  5. Orbital diskette
  6. media
    • photos
      • iPhoto
      • Flickr
    • movies
      • iTunes
      • Google Video
      • (YouTube)
      • iMovie
      • DVD
    • music
      • CD
      • iTunes
    • videos
      • VHS
      • iTunes
  7. paper
    • journals
      • home
      • dream
      • creative writing
      • CROSS REF: LiveJournal
    • notebooks
    • "A4 streams"
  8. systems
  9. mindmaps
    • Mind Manager
    • FreeMind
    • mind42.com
    • ref: paper
  10. tools
  11. web
  12. instant messengers
    • del.icio.us
    • Stumble Upon
    • furl.net
    • Safari - syncs with iPhone and has del.icio.us plugin
    • Firefox - Foxmarks
  14. worlds
    • Second Life
  15. legal documents
    • diploma
    • insurance
    • passport (US, Thai)
    • IDs