
see amana : Wikispaces Evaluation


Enhancement Requests

  1. Minor edits - I can't tell you how many times I just hit "Save" with the confidence I don't need to proofread and/or preview my page first and said "doh!" - it's usually a small typo and/or formatting error!
    • inspired by forgetting to close bold () on Social Networking
    • feature available in MediaWiki (of wikipedia fame)
  2. Data access to comment history - I put a substantial investment in logging comments. my comments are quite rich in meta-data.
    • When I export my wiki, I don't get my comments.
    • Recent Changes only displays a certain # or timeframe (it is recent** changes - duh)
    • I can't search my comments
    • I don't have data access/API to my comments
    • I can verify all the history is there on a per page level. (sounds like an enhancement)


  1. starting to get odd behavior due to server's inability to respond. It caused a corrupt page (iPhone) which I recovered from thanks to revisions!
  2. on occasion, < and > characters are translated into their HTML equivalents &lt; and &gt; (happened on "<3" on Compass)
  3. doh! you can't use "$$$" as a search term!
  4. can't edit pages when in Safari "Private Browsing" mode


  1. Renaming and redirecting pages Dec 13, 2007 2:55 pm
    • doh - found a possible "bug" - if you redirect an existing page (Four Hour Workweek), its contents are effectively "hidden" instead of moving it!
      • UPDATE: workaround is to rename the page in the first place. also discovered you can remove redirects
  2. False rename error
  3. navigation page content went back to default without editing (disturbing!) - chinarut chinarut May 2, 2008 1:07 am
    • WORKAROUND: reverted to 2nd to last revision and edited last change back in!