This is one massive experiment....

my goal in life is to expand the context of my life so big that even Enterprise project management does not deal with complexity of what I am up to very well (giving up significance)

I love technology and I love application. I believe in pushing the limits of technology to handle constraints and limitations not though of. Cutting edge technologies (esp Web 2.0) are perfect for this - this set of applications are already in the space of the unknown and defined by the user community.

it is a matter of explaining the challenges I encounter succinctly to those who are empowered to make a difference.

I'd like to know if there is anybody out there (even one?) who sees life from a similar perspective?

where am I going? Ideation rings true...


Software Engineering

the domain I technically learned project management within.

I seek a PMP

Stanford is sounding quite tempting...

it would pay to exercise project management outside the computer,IT,software realm.

keep the conversation up!