I experiment with my own life - it might kill me but at least it's revealing inside of context of integrity and transformation!

oh well - this is the end of my Tiddlywiki experiment - it was nice while it lasted - time for the rubber to hit the road...

ideally this is a database so you can query byPriority, byArea, byProject etc. what really at stake is collaborating with the people I already know in my life, are already into networking (facebook.com) and collaborating on our outcomes and actions yet still having fun doing it and being online.

ok - anyone up for some kind of trac and facebook app integration? :)

what is the intent of this page- is it an advanced capture tool - process information in-place?


  1. NotDoingNow list occurs as a "cache"
  2. My calendar of occasions is what's active, what's paged into "memory"
  3. NeverDoingNow list occurs as long term "virtual" storage (you can put as much as you want, it doesn't cost anything but give you peace of mind :)


multiple categories as possible on Outlook will come in useful. Inquire as to how categories are manipulated in WM5 - last I tried in 2003, it wasn't very pretty, convenient like Palm OS (which in itself doesn't support multi-categories)
