I experiment with my own life - it might kill me but at least it's revealing inside of context of integrity and transformation!
oh well - this is the end of my Tiddlywiki experiment - it was nice while it lasted - time for the rubber to hit the road...
ideally this is a database so you can query byPriority, byArea, byProject etc. what really at stake is collaborating with the people I already know in my life, are already into networking (facebook.com) and collaborating on our outcomes and actions yet still having fun doing it and being online.
ok - anyone up for some kind of trac and facebook app integration? :)
what is the intent of this page- is it an advanced capture tool - process information in-place?
- NotDoingNow list occurs as a "cache"
- My calendar of occasions is what's active, what's paged into "memory"
- NeverDoingNow list occurs as long term "virtual" storage (you can put as much as you want, it doesn't cost anything but give you peace of mind :)
multiple categories as possible on Outlook will come in useful. Inquire as to how categories are manipulated in WM5 - last I tried in 2003, it wasn't very pretty, convenient like Palm OS (which in itself doesn't support multi-categories)
- byPriority (low, med, high) // contrast to possibility!
- byDomain (home)
- >thoughtful (what if work were to occur equally thoughtful - giving up selfishness) (related to energy level)
- batch (agendas)
- space (reconnect) (facebook, face-to-face, phone, skype)
- org (Dance Labs)
- >call list (love, communication) (clear, velocity, flow)
- "dance with your call lists!" -David Allen
- >other (stragglers)
- >nfo (Relevant information system)
- >dup (this is what typically kills me, how to automate the process of eliminating duplicates, an AI system so sophisticated it is able to get a sense of hierarchy or at least ask you the right questions so you may put it visually in your accomplishment network. You always have a sense of what you're on top of) (does this work any better than your brain?!?)
- new
- complete
- clear
- velocity
- followup
- possibility
- flow
- Vivid Display System
- Palm IIIx - @Phone
- previous Outlook data (snapshot in Yahoo! and Plaxo)
- tons of paper-written notes
- gmail starred conversations (avoidance!)
- >get tickled by Existence Structure Inventory (S-5) and be complete
- Acknowledgements - now why this page is named as such, I don't know... it is a snapshot of my project list GTD-style...